Kolloquium: Xin Li, University of Glasgow: Interactions between C*-algebras, topological dynamics and group theory

Jan. 24
24-01-2023 16:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr
HS H13, Cauerstr. 11, Erlangen

Interactions between C*-algebras, topological dynamics and group theory

Vortagende: Xin Li, University of Glasgow
Einladender: Kang Li


C*-algebras are algebras of bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces.
Originally introduced as a mathematical foundation for quantum physics, these
structures turn out to be interesting on their own right and exhibit a rich
interplay with several other mathematical disciplines. Indeed, as I will
explain, several key ideas which were initially developed to classify
C*-algebras also lead to classification results for topological dynamical
systems. At the same time, it was discovered recently that all C*-algebras which
have been classified arise from dynamics in a precise sense. Surprisingly, this
circle of ideas also leads to new constructions of groups which answered several
open questions in group theory.