Kolloquium: K. Cielibak, Univ. Augsburg: Poincare duality for loop spaces
08-11-2022 16:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr
HS H13, Cauerstr. 11, Erlangen
Poincare duality for loop spaces
Vortragender: Kai Cielibak, Universität Augsburg
Einladender: Karl-Hermann Neeb
Abstract: In 1999, Chas and Sullivan described a number of operations on the
homology of a loop space which became collectively known under the name string
topology. Subsequent studies revealed striking similarities between two of
these operations, suggesting that they might be related by some underlying
duality. It is the goal of this talk to explain that such a duality indeed
exists and arises from an unexpected direction, symplectic geometry.