Kolloquium GRK 2339, Dr. Qianfeng Li

Nov 29
29-11-2024 15:15 Uhr bis 16:15 Uhr

On the dynamic process for peeling thin films from substrates: the
1-d case

In the talk, I will discuss the dynamics of peeling thin films from
substrates, focusing on the 1-d case. The process involves a
nonlinear wave equation governing the peeled region, a displacement
boundary condition on the lifting side, and a nonlinear boundary
condition at the peeling front, derived through variational
When the given
lifting speed at the lifting side is constant, the peeling front
propagates with constant speed, resulting in a straight peeled film
with a uniform slope. By analyzing the dissipation properties at the
peeling front, applying Glimm’s methods and characteristic lines
methods respectively, we prove that such solution is stable under BV
perturbation or weighted C^1 perturbation on the given lifting speed.