Kolloquium: David Rowe, Univ. Mainz Emmy Noether (1882-1935): Mathematician Extraordinaire

Juni 01
01-06-2022 12:30 Uhr bis 13:30 Uhr
HS H13, Cauerstr. 11, Erlangen

Emmy Noether (1882-1935): Mathematician Extraordinaire

Vortragender: David Rowe, Univ. Mainz
Einladender: Karl-Hermann Neeb


This talk is based on a book (same title, Springer, 2021) that was based on a
play: Mathematische Spaziergänge mit Emmy Noether (performed in Erlangen in
2019). The English-language version (Diving into Math with Emmy Noether) will go
on tour in the USA (the gods willing!) in September. In the first part of the
talk, I’ll present themes from the play, which emphasizes Noether’s interactions
with other notable figures from the world of mathematics. After that, we take a
glance back to her days in Erlangen, where she received an unusual education,
and then follow her first path of Göttingen, where she worked closely with
Hilbert and Klein.