AG Mathematische Physik, Melchior Wirth (IST Wien): Operator-Valued Twisted Araki-Woods Algebras
Melchior Wirth (IST Wien)
Operator-Valued Twisted Araki-Woods Algebras
I will introduce the class of operator-valued twisted Araki-Woods algebras, which are second
quantization von Neumann algebras built on certain Hilbert bimodules over a base von Neumann
algebra. When the base algebra is the field of complex numbers, this class includes the q-Gaussian
algebras and free Araki-Woods factors, and for arbitrary base algebras Shlyakhtenko’s von Neumann
algebras generated by operator-valued semicircular variables fall into this class. In the case when the
base algebra is a type I factor, I will present how a disintegration theory for the underlying Hilbert
bimodules leads to a decomposition as a tensor product of the base algebra and a scalar-valued
twisted Araki-Woods algebra. Moreover, operator-valued twisted Araki-Woods algebras come with
a natural weight, and I will discuss the associated modular theory as well as some sufficient criteria
for factoriality. This is joint work with Rahul Kumar R.