AG Mathematische Physik, Luca Giorgetti (Rom): Crossing symmetry and Fourier transforms
Luca Giorgetti (Rom)
Crossing symmetry and Fourier transforms
Crossing symmetry is an invariance property of scattering amplitudes involving (pairs of) particles and their TCP conjugates. Recently, see arXiv:2212.02298,crossing symmetry has been reformulated as an analytic extension property ofcertain functions defined using Tomita-Takesaki modular theory. In the talk, I will introduce a linear map on bounded operators on the tensor square of a given complex Hilbert space, called the “crossing map”, whose fixed points describe crossing symmetry. I describe its basic properties and, among its many surprising relations with other mathematical objects, I will describe how it turns out to be a special case of the subfactor theoretical Fourier transform (which generalizes, e.g., the ordinary Fourier transform for finite abelian groups). Joint work with R. Correa da Silva and G. Lechner, arXiv: 2402.15763