AG Mathematische Physik: Jan Mandrysch (Leipzig): Energy inequalities in integrable quantum field theories

Mai 25
25-05-2023 16:15 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
Übung 1 / 01.250-128, Erlangen

Jan Mandrysch (Leipzig)

Energy inequalities in integrable quantum field theories

Many results in general relativity rely crucially on classical energy conditions
inflicted on the stress-energy tensor. Quantum matter, however, violates these
conditions since the energy density can fluctuate and in particular become
arbitrarily negative at a point. Nonetheless quantum matter should have some
reminiscent notion of stability, which can be captured by so-called quantum
(weak) energy inequalities (QEIs). These are lower bounds of the smeared
quantum-stress-energy tensor and could be proven in many types of free quantum
field theories on both flat and curved spacetimes. In models with
self-interaction though only few results exist. We are here presenting results
in a wide class of integrable QFT models in 1+1d including for instance the
O(N)-nonlinear-sigma model. A preprint is available under