AG Mathematische Physik, Hermann Schulz-Baldes (FAU): Transfer matrix analysis of non-hermitian Hamiltonians: asymptotic spectra and topological eigenvalues
02-05-2024 16:15 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
Übung 1 / 01.250-128, Erlangen
Hermann Schulz-Baldes (FAU)
Transfer matrix analysis of non-hermitian Hamiltonians:
asymptotic spectra and topological eigenvalues
Abstract: Transfer matrix techniques are used to provide a new proof of
Widom’s results on the asymptotic spectral theory of finite block
Toeplitz matrices. Furthermore, a rigorous treatment of the skin
effect, spectral outliers, the generalized Brillouin zone and the
bulk-boundary correspondence in such systems is given. This covers
chiral Hamiltonians with topological eigenvalues close to zero, but no
line-gap. This is joint work with Lars Koekenbier.