AG Mathematische Physik, Dr. Konstantin Merz (Braunschweig): Eigenvalue estimates for Schrödinger operators using Fourier analysis
Dr. Konstantin Merz (Braunschweig)
Eigenvalue estimates for Schrödinger operators using Fourier analysis
Estimating the location and accumulation rate of eigenvalues of
Schrödinger operators is a classic problem in spectral theory and
mathematical physics. For short-range potentials these problems can
often be effectively treated using Fourier analytic methods like the
Tomas-Stein restriction theorem. As an example we derive eigenvalue
asymptotics for Schrödinger-type operators whose kinetic energy
vanishes on a codimension one submanifold. Time permitting, we discuss
another example: locating eigenvalues of ordinary Schrödinger operators
with randomized, long-range, complex-valued potentials using a
randomized version of the Tomas-Stein theorem by Bourgain.
The talk is based on joint work with Jean-Claude Cuenin.