AG Lie-Gruppen: M. S. Adamo, The University of Tokyo (Japan): Construction of Wightman fields for a class of full 2D CFTs:\\ the case of the U(1)-current and beyond

Juli 03
03-07-2023 14:15 Uhr bis 15:45 Uhr
Übungsraum Ü2, Cauerstr. 11, Erlangen

Construction of Wightman fields for a class of full 2D CFTs:\\\ the case of
the U(1)-current and beyond – Vortragende: Maria Stella Adamo, The University
of Tokyo (Japan) – Einladender: Karl-Hermann Neeb

Abstract: We discuss our construction of Wightman fields for a class of full
2-dimensional conformal field theories, namely those with chiral components
whose representation categories possess automorphisms. An example of such
1-dimensional models is given by the U(1)-current, for which we analyze the
construction in detail.

This talk is based on joint work with L. Giorgetti, Y. Tanimoto,