AG Lie-Gruppen: J. Christensen (KU Lueven): (Non)exotic completions of the group algebras of isotropy groups

Juli 25
25-07-2022 14:15 Uhr bis 15:45 Uhr
Übungsraum Ü2, Cauerstr. 11, Erlangen

Vortragender: Johannes Christensen, KU Leuven
Einladender: Kang Li

The so-called groupoid C*-algebras play an important role in the theory of
C*-algebras, since there are an abundance of examples of C*-algebras that can
described concretely as such groupoid C*-algebras. To any locally compact
groupoid one can associate two C*-algebras, namely the full groupoid
and the reduced groupoid C*-algebra. There exists a useful description of a
large class of important states on the full groupoid C*-algebra. In this talk
will report on a joint project with Sergey Neshveyev where we study which of
these states that factors through the reduced groupoid C*-algebra.

I will introduce a new C*-norm on the group algebras of the isotropy groups of
locally compact étale groupoid, and argue that this norm completely
characterizes when the states we consider factors through the reduced groupoid
C*-algebra. I will then present examples which illustrate that our C*-norm can
coincide with the full norm, that it can be a genuine exotic norm, but that it
in many standard examples always is the reduced norm.