Prof. Dr. Günther Grün
Prof. Dr. Günther Grün
Short Curriculum Vitae
1986 – 1991 | Study of Mathematics (Minor: Physics) at University of Bonn |
1991 | Diploma in Mathematics |
1994 | PhD in Mathematics, University of Bonn |
1996 | Marie-Curie-Research-Fellowship at Universita di Tor Vergata, Rome |
2001 | Habilitation in Mathematics, University of Bonn |
2002 / 2003 | Visiting Full Professorship at Duisburg University („Lehrstuhlvertretung C4“) |
2006 – | Professor at University of Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Um weitere Informationen über die Forschung von Herrn Prof Grün zu erhalten, besuchen Sie die Forschungsinteressen oder Projekte der Arbeitsgruppe Grün.
- Minisymposium „Stochastic free boundary problems“ as part of FBP 2021, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, September 2021 (together with Ana Djurdjevac and Benjamin Gess).
- Workshop Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (FAU Erlangen) (together with Michael Fried), Nov. 2019.
- COPDESC-Workshop Calculus of Variation and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (Regensburg) (together with G. Dolzmann and H. Garcke), March 2019.
- Section Applied Analysis as part of the Annual Meeting of Society of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, March 10th-14th, 2014.
- ITN-Springschool Optimization in pde, reaction-diffusion systems and phase-field models , Saint Raphael, Apr. 7th-12th, 2013, (with D. Hilhorst and G. Leugering).
- ITN-Winterschool Mathematical models for wetting: analysis and numerics, Veilbronn, Feb. 13th-17th, 2012.
- Mini-Symposium Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Transport Phenomena in Multi-Phase Flow as part of ICIAM2011, Vancouver, July 18th-22nd, 2011.
- Workshop Phase-Field Models in Fluid Mechanics at Regensburg University, Feb. 14th-16th, 2011 (together with Helmut Abels and Harald Garcke).
- Section Applied Analysis as part of the Annual Meeting of Society of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) at TU Karlsruhe, March, 22nd – 26th, 2010.
- Mini-Symposium Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen und Anwendungen as part of the Annual Meeting of Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) at Erlangen University, September, 19th – 23nd, 2008.
- Mini-Symposium Nonlinear evolution equations and free boundary problems as part of the Annual Meeting of Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) at Bonn University, September, 18th – 22nd, 2006.
- Member of Scientific Committee of the Conference Wetting: Theory and Experiment at Technion, Haifa, Israel, July, 3th – 7th, 2005.
- Mini-Symposium Dünne viskose Filme/Thin liquid films as part of the Annual Meeting of Society of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) at TU Dresden, March, 21st – 27th, 2004.
- Mini-Symposium Higher order evolution equations in continuum mechanics as part of ICIAM2003 , Sydney, July, 4th – 11th, 2003.
Current projects
Interfaces, Complex Structures, and Singular Limits in Continuum MechanicsDFG Research Training Group GRK 2339/2Dates: 2022-2027 (second funding period), Mathematical models and methods are indispensable in natural and engineering sciences. The research training group „IntComSin“ combines the expertise at FAU Erlangen- Nürnberg and at University of Regensburg in (S)PDE-analysis, calculus of variations, homogenisation and Gamma-convergence, numerical analysis and scientific computing to set up a unique research and training center to investigate at the highest scientific level selected phenomena and processes, which are related to interfaces, multiple scales/fields, and dimension reduced models arising as singular limits. This way, the research training group responds to the still growing demand for refined mathematical models, their thorough analysis and efficient numerical implementation, their predictive power and potential of optimisation which arises in various fields of natural sciences, medicine, and engineering (biology, cardiology and oncology, materials sciences, manufacturing technology). Questions under consideration are currently of major interest both from a mathematical point of view and from an application perspective and are related to the guiding topics of the RTG: – INTERFACES which separate states of different properties in materials and occur, e.g., in multi-phase flow in fluid dynamics, in fluid-structure interactions in arterial blood flow, as free boundaries in tumour growth or in the macroscopic description of interacting species. – COMPLEX STRUCTURES in porous media, in elastic media with fine-scale structures, or in non-classical fluids, for which the presence of microstructures — like polymers — causes non-standard flow behaviour. – SINGULAR LIMITS related to small length scales in models of continuum mechanics (e.g. elastic plates or rods or thin liquid films) which give rise to dimension reduced models of lower computational complexity. For further information, see |
Completed projects
Interfaces, Complex Structures, and Singular Limits in Continuum MechanicsDFG Research Training Group GRK 2339Dates: 2018-2022 (first funding period), The DFG Research Training Group IntComSin is a joint |
Free boundary propagation and noise: analysis and numerics of stochastic degenerate parabolic equationsDFG Research Grant
The porous-medium equation and the thin-film equation are prominent examples of nonnegativity preserving degenerate parabolic equations which give rise to free boundary problems with the free boundary at time t > 0 defined as the boundary of the solution’s support at that time. |
Diffusive interface models for transport processes at fluidic interfaces (Part 2)DFG Priority Programme SPP 1056 „Transport processes at fluidic interfaces“ |
Fronts and Interfaces in Science and Technology (FIRST) / Marie Curie Initial Training Networks |
Diffusive interface models for transport processes at fluidic interfaces (Part 1)DFG Priority Programme SPP 1056 „Transport processes at fluid interfaces“ |
Topological transitions like droplet coalescence or droplet break-up are fundamental features of two-phase flows. In recent years, diffuse interface models turned out to be a promising approach to describe such phenomena. Species transport across fluidic interfaces and the effects exerted by soluble and insoluble surfactants are additional issues of still increasing technological importance.
Mathematical Analysis of Models Describing the Evolution of Liquid Patterns on Material Interfaces (Part 2 and Part 3)DFG Priority Programme SPP 1052 „Benetzung und Strukturbildung an Grenzflächen““ |
DAAD project „Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Electrowetting“ („projektbezogener Personenaustausch Spanien“) |
Electric fields may influence the wetting behaviour of charged droplets. This effect may be used to manipulate droplet motion and to enforce droplet coalescence or break-up. It is summarized under the notion of electrowetting. First studied in the late 19th century by Lippmann and others, very recently this effect gained the interest of physicists and engineers on account of a variety of applications in micro-fluidics („lab-on-a-chip“). However, mathematical modeling of this effect is still in its childhood — the dependency of contact angles on the applied voltage is modeled by the so called Lippmann formula which may hold true at most in a small voltage regime. In this project, new thermodynamically consistent models shall be derived to describe the evolution of droplet, voltage and thereby to shed light on the mechanisms underlying electrowetting. Existence of solutions shall be proven and efficient numerical schemes shall be developed as well. Poster>>
Complex rheologiesProject in SFB 611 „Singular phenomena and scaling in mathematical models“, University of Bonn (together with Christiane Helzel and Felix Otto) |
In this project, models for complex flow phenomena are investigated, for instance pattern formation in sheared suspensions, moving contact lines or Rayleigh-Bénard convection. By means of rigorous analysis and numerical simulations, properties of the models will be predicted. The aforementioned specific models may be used to develop new methods for PDE in general.
Scaling laws and their cross-overs: global analysis of rheological processesProject in SFB 611 „Singular phenomena and scaling in mathematical models“, University of Bonn (together with Felix Otto) |
The goal of this project is to investigate scaling laws in rheological processes. More precisely, analytical tools to rigorously infer such scaling laws shall be developed. A common feature of the friction dominated processes to be investigated is their gradient flow structure. This structure translates the physical free energy and the underlying dissipation mechanism into the mathematical terms of functional and metric tensor, respectively. The idea is to use global PDE methods, rather than local methods, like matched asymptotic expansions, to analyze the scaling laws. Phenomena to be studied include spreading of viscous films, case-II diffusion of solvents in polymeric solids, and the demixing of polymer solutions and sponge-like pattern formation.
DFG project „Mathematical Analysis of Models Describing the Evolution of Liquid Patterns on Material Interfaces „)Project in SFB 611 DFG Priority Programme SPP 1052 „Benetzung und Strukturbildung an Grenzflächen“ |
91058 Erlangen
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Name | now at |
Dr. Patrick Weiß | Primetals Technologies, Erlangen |
Dr. Oliver Sieber | Vector Informatik, Regensburg |
Dr. Hubertus Grillmeier | Primetals Technologies, Erlangen |
Prof. Dr. Julian Fischer | Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria, Klosterneuburg |
Eduard Campillo Funollet, M.Sc. | University of Sussex, Brighton |
Dr. Fabian Klingbeil | Accenture |
Dr. Simon Jörres | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
Dr. Jürgen Becker | Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Kaiserslautern |