Vortrag von Marius Yamakou

Transition between weak-noise-induced resonance phenomena in a slow-fast neural dynamical system

Marius Yamakou

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

Vortrag am 10.09.2019 um 10 Uhr im Seminarraum Mathematik 04.363

Abstract: We consider a singularly perturbed stochastic nonlinear
dynamical system derived from neuroscience. For this system, we will
independently uncover the mechanisms that underlie two different forms
of weak-noise-induced resonance phenomena, namely, self-induced
stochastic resonance (SISR) and inverse stochastic resonance (ISR). We
will then show that SISR and ISR are in fact mathematically related
through the relative geometric positioning (and stability) of the
fixed point and the generic folded singularity of the critical
manifold of the system. This result could explain the experimental
observation where real biological neurons with identical physiological
features and synaptic input are found to sometime encode different